Michael Horn

Michael Horn

Michael Horn’s creative pursuits ignite at the intersection of Art and Technology. A builder, sculptor, skilled software developer and electrical engineer, Horn is best known for his work with animated lighting, including Photonic Vibrations, an interactive light ring room shown at the Gasparilla Music Festival, animated lighting for “Refraction” and “Seagrass” at the J W Marriott Clearwater Beach (In collaboration with MGA Sculpture Studio and Carrie Jadus, respectively), animated lighting for Binky Rudich’s two-speed clock at the Off-Central (a collaboration with Frank Strunk III), the color-changing apple for The Giver produced by ThinkTank at Stageworks, DNA Lighting effects for “The Number” at The Off-Central, The Lorraine Hotel Sign for “Mountaintop” at West Coast Players, the starship engine and light up effects for Star Chix at St. Petersburg City Theater and many others.

Michael also professionally designs lights, sound, fabricates electronic and non-electronic props, designs and builds sets, acts, and writes. He especially loves working on shows that venture into the surreal and magical.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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