Jonathan Harrison

Jonathan Harrison

Jonathan Harrison is thrilled to be performing with Jobsite once again. Past Jobsite productions include Titus Andronicus (Lucius), Return to the Forbidden Planet (Captain Tempest) and Silence! The Musical (Hannibal Lecter). Mr. Harrison spent seven years as a Center Theater Company Member at the Straz performing in shows such as Food Chain (Ford), Little Shop of Horrors (Seymour), Shear Madness (Eddie Lawrence), A Christmas Carol the Musical (Nephew Fred), Forever Plaid (Frankie), and Satchmo: The Life and Times of Louis Armstrong in which he originated the role of Armstrong’s manager Joe Glazer. Other local productions include Lysistrata (Spartan) Center Theatre Company, and Macbeth (Malcolm), Midsummer Night’s Dream (Starveling), The Winter’s Tale (Lord), and Twelfth Night Fever (Fabian) – all Shakespeare in the Park productions with American Stage. Other regional theater and tours include My Way, Show Boat, Gifts of the Magi, A Grand Night for Singing, We Got Gershwin and As the World Goes Round to name a few.

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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