Robin Gordon

Robin Gordon

Robin is thrilled to be performing with Jobsite Theatre for the first time. Other performances in the Tampa Bay area include Hedda in HEDDA GABLER with Stageworks, Gertrude in HAMLET with Tampa Repertory Theatre, and Fraulein Schneider in CABARET at USF. She directed FLYING and DINNER WITH FRIENDS at Tampa Rep and co-created ECHOES OF HER with Cindy Hennessy for Moving Current Dance Collective. In a former life she was an Assistant Professor of Performance at the University of South Florida, where she directed VINEGAR TOM, CABARET, ITALIAN AMERICAN RECONCILIATION, and BAT BOY. Before teaching at USF, she was a Visiting Professor and director at Syracuse University, Ithaca College, Santa Monica College, Los Angeles City College, Interlochen Center for the Arts, and the Krannert Center in Illinois. She has performed in California, New York, Vermont and England, and her many 80’s and 90’s television credits involve lots of big hair in various nighttime dramas and daytime soap operas. These days the nighttime dramas and daytime soap operas are provided by her wonderful husband, Ned, and beloved daughters, Mina and Marisa. Robin-FGor

Jobsite Productions

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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