Neil Gobioff

Since his playwriting debut in 1999, Neil Gobioff has written for numerous Jobsite productions, including The March of the Kitefliers, Grimm’s Faery Tales, The Curse of Millhaven, Breathing Oblivion, The Acropolis Project: Balance, and Learning Swerve, which earned Best Local Playwright – Reader’s Choice, Weekly Planet. He has also worked behind the scenes in other Jobsite productions including Bloody Poetry (Stage Manager) and Delusion of Darkness (Asst. Director/Stage Manager). He’d like to thank his wife, Gianna, his son, Izzy, and his new daughter Laurel for their love and support. While Neil plans on continuing to write new plays, he does not plan to have children to coincide with any further world premieres. He’d also like to recommend you check out the official site for The March of the Kitefliers.