Slake Counts

Slake Counts He first worked with Jobsite in their production of The Boys Next Door. Other local appearances have included The Odd Couple, as well as work with Gorilla Theatre, MAD Theatre, Gypsy Productions and Stageworks, most recently their production of As Bees In Honey Drown. Aberrant and memorable roles include Kevin in PARTY, Ilahn, Minister of Cadador in the web-based comic book “Meridian”, Walter Pinder, an evil archaeologist in the film Unearthed (2004), and Pilot a dog in Jane Eyre. Slake can also be seen in the films Abscessed and the web-based series: ApocBoyz – ZED: Episodes 1-3, Abscessed and soon Joe Vampire, as well as several commercials and T.V. series.