Best of the Bay Awards!

While THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW was not Best of the Bay eligible this season for voting in the reader’s poll (we’ll see you next year!), we’re happy to see so many folks adjacent to it get some recognition in the issue alongside our other wins! We’re very proud of all of these folks!

Best Stage Director: David Jenkins. Now a six-time winner in this category!

Best Life-Changing Musical Role: Clay Christopher, Dr. Frank-n-Furter, THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW. We sincerely hope Clay is looked at for categories like Best Actor and Best Leading Man next year, because he deserves them.

(L-R) Katrina Stevenson and Roxanne Fay in Jobsite's The Beauty Queen of Leenane. (Photo: Noa Friedman)
(L-R) Katrina Stevenson and Roxanne Fay in Jobsite’s The Beauty Queen of Leenane. (Photo: Noa Friedman)

Best Theatrical ‘Poptop’ Gasp: Logan Franke, The Beauty Queen of Leenane. IYKYK, you saw the show or you didn’t. 🙂

Best Theatrical Chameleon: Andresia Moseley, Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992. We’ve now done this show twice, and we still think not enough folks have witnessed one of the most commanding, intricate performances the area has seen.

Best Theatrical MVP: Roxanne Fay. The narrative for this award specifically mentions her work this season in both Rosencrantz & Guidenstern are Dead and The Beauty Queen of Leenane, but wait, there’s more …

Best Yarn-Spinner: Roxanne Fay, Thrice to Mine. The full houses and great reviews don’t lie.

Best Actor: Matthew McGee. Matthew is certainly best-known for his association with freeFall, but we were sure glad to “borrow” him over the summer to play our Narrator in ROCKY!

Best One-Woman Three-Way: Jen Casler. We’re not even sure what that means (ok, so really we do, it just sounds funnier to say we don’t), but you may recall Jen as one of the Phantoms (the tall one) in ROCKY.

Best Performing Arts Center: Straz Center. That has to be at least their billionth win here, right?

Finalist, Best Professional Theater Company: Jobsite. Always in good company in this category, it feels like we can flip a coin every year to see who comes out on top.

Finalist, Best Theater Production: Frankenstein. We remain very proud of last season’s Hallowe’en treat, it was an outstanding show, and hope you’ll join us this year for the darkly comic play with music, GOREY STORIES. Gorey as in the writer-artist Edward Gorey, not gory as in bloody/violent/scary. 

You can look through all of the winners at CreLo’s website. Congrats to all!


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