As You Like It

As You Like It

By William Shakespeare

Directed by David M. Jenkins

Jan. 13 – Feb. 5, 2017

Tickets: $28

Preview Performances: Jan. 11 – 12 | Tickets: $14

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

Community Foundation of Tampa BayOur production of As You Like It and the affiliated outreach initiatives are made possible by a generous grant from the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay.

On This Page

What It's About

Featuring some of the most famous lines penned in the English language like Jaques’ iconic “All the world’s a stage” speech, As You Like It subverts the traditional rules of romance. Gender roles, nature, and politics all become a muddle in a clever and astute comedy that reflects on how bewildering yet utterly pleasurable life can be.

The Story

When Queen Frederick (Becca McCoy) banishes her daughter Celia (Lauren Field) and the fair Rosalind (Emily Belvo) from court, they take to the woods in disguise. The honorable Orlando (Derrick Phillips) is also there hiding from his brother Oliver (Jordan Foote). Though they have already fallen for one another prior to coming to the forest through a chance meeting at a wrestling match, Rosalind hides behind the disguise of a young boy she calls Ganymede, who coaches Orlando how to win Rosalind’s love.

The exiles encounter a motley crew including the cynical Jaques (Shawn Paonessa), Touchstone the fool (Roxanne Fay), her lusty love Audrey (Katrina Stevenson), the soulful balladeer Amiens (Spencer Meyers), a trio of colorful locals (Alvin Jenkins, Michael C. McGreevy, Jessy Julianna), and Rosalind’s mother, who was banished long ago by her jealous sister (also played by McCoy).

As You Like It is perhaps Shakespeare’s sunniest comedy: a celebration of courtship, play-acting, and the natural world of seasons and change. The “winter and rough weather” of Arden breaks, true love and justice triumph, and the play ends in wedding bells and dancing.

Emily Belvo and Derrick Phillips in Jobsite’s As You Like It. (Photo by Pritchard Photography.)
Emily Belvo and Derrick Phillips in Jobsite’s As You Like It. (Photo by Pritchard Photography.)


Jobsite has been producing Shakespeare in one form or another since 2001, including their acclaimed productions of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), Titus Andronicus, their original rock musical rendering of Pericles, and most recently Twelfth Night set in 1926 Ybor City.

As You Like it will be set in modern day Tampa, a choice that director David M. Jenkins hopes will “help folks more immediately grab onto the relevancy of this story. The characters are all coming out of these relatively dark spaces, painful spaces be that heart-sick love or jealousy or just good ol’ fashioned nihilism. Brothers and sisters are doing wrong to one another, there’s injustice and arguments over who can better lead.”

Audiences should expect Shakespeare’s language (though in a more compact presentation – approximately 30 minutes have been cut), but the sights and sounds clearly place the action of the play in here and now.


Jobsite has partnered with Tampa-based record label New Granada Records on the soundtrack, using tunes (some previously unreleased, some composed specifically for the show) from acts like Atlantic Oceans, Permanent Makeup, DieAlps!, and King of Spain among others.

Critic Reviews

near-impeccable version of Shakespeare’s great comedy ... this is a wonderful production. The cast, led by the splendid Emily Belvo as Rosalind, speaks Shakespeare so crisply, there’s not a chance you’ll misunderstand. – Creative Loafing

...a sprawling, sometimes contemporary version of the comedy, which as the title implies, contains a little something for everyone ... a large cast delivers an enjoyable production ... As Rosalind, Emily Belvo energetically pushes along this assembly of moving parts from start to finish. In step with the production itself, she goes for broke, and with an arresting intensity. – Tampa Bay Times


Cast & Crew

  • David M. Jenkins – Director
  • Matthew Ray – Assistant Director
  • Vivian Rodriguez – Stage Manager


  • Emily Belvo – Rosalind
  • Roxanne Fay – Touchstone
  • Lauren Field – Celia
  • Jordan Foote – Oliver/William
  • Alvin Jenkins – Corin, et al.
  • Becca McCoy – Queen Senior/Queen Frederick
  • Michael C. McGreevy – Charles/Sylvius
  • Spencer Meyers – Amiens, et al.
  • Shawn Paonessa – Jaques
  • Derrick Phillips – Orlando
  • Jessy Julianna – Phoebe, et al.
  • Katrina Stevenson – Audrey, et al.
  • Madison Flynn – Acting Apprentice
  • Thomas Morgan – Acting Apprentice


  • Giles Davies – Dramaturge & Outreach Teaching Artist
  • D Granke – Fight Choreographer
  • Brittany Reuther – Costume Designer
  • Brian M. Smallheer – Lighting and Scenic Designer

Patron Reviews

The show was fantastic. So creative and the actors were first rate. Very impressed. – Michael Gamson

I absolutely adored the show. The simple staging and scenery really let the actors shine…. I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. I felt like the cast as a whole was exemplary, but the real shining stars for me where Emily Belvo and Lauren Field…. Their chemistry and interplay created a captivating dynamic. Their physicality and depth of expression was truly a joy to watch. They are the types of actors that you want performing not just for seasoned spectators but for the novice audience as well. I look forward to seeing them in future shows. – Suzannah Fischer

I’ve been trying to get down from Jacksonville to a Jobsite production for literally years now. I’m so glad I finally made it and that my first show was As You Like It. It was nothing less than stellar. There just aren’t enough words to describe how much we enjoyed it. We laughed raucously. I’m fortunate enough to know someone in the cast, so I had the pleasure of joining in the opening night after party. All I wanted to do was fangirl and fawn over each and every one of these incredible actors and tell them how amazing they were/are. And the director as well. But I was overcome with shyness/awkwardness and said nothing. Superb! Bravo! Please, do yourselves a favor and catch this while you can!! – Tonya Woolard

We truly enjoyed the show so much! It was excellent! Terrific acting and the Tampa elements helped make it so unique. – Lorinda Gamson

@jobsitetheater’s As You Like It is electric. Ridiculously good performances from our area’s best actors. Don’t miss it. – @BubbaProg

Thanks @jobsitetheater for giving @bhsacting an opportunity for seeing some awesome theater during school hours! You are all rocking the crazy out of it!!! – @dramamask17

My wife and I saw As You Like It on Saturday–a great night. As usual, Emily Belvo was excellent, and Roxanne Fay is a hoot; but for us, it was Becca McCoy’s who earned our greatest praise. Her dual queens were so visibly different, her physical presence so astounding, that I would swear she was schizophrenic … great show. Looking forward to the others! – Ben Graffam

Nicole and I saw your production it last night. We enjoyed it very much!! It was some of the most enjoyable theater I have seen in a long while. Bravo! – Benjamin Young

No one makes Shakespeare as fun or relevant as Jobsite Theater. “As You Like It” is a delicious romp with great performances, wonderful music and, unexpectedly, a girrrl power message. Powerful women deserve love too! Who knew old Bill was such a feminist? – Clare Ward-Jenkins

Just got back from the Jobsite Theater production of Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”. Lots of fun, confusion and terrific performances by: Becca McCoy, Lauren Field, Roxanne Fay, Shawn Paonessa, and more! Good job, David Jenkins! – Hal Freedman

Jobsite Theater great performance tonight! Have never been disappointed with any of the shows we’ve seen! – Bonita Axley

… this WHOLE show is just fantastic … exciting, amusing, fun … We LOVED it and will be back to see you all again!!! – Sue Belvo

So we went over to the @strazcenter today to watch @jobsitetheater As You Like It and it was actually really nice that they set it in modern times, in Tampa Bay! Overall, a great cast and a wonderful experience! – @gouloxy

Was so blessed to get to see Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” @jobsitetheater as a field trip! Wish I could have been able to talk to the actors, but the show was phenomenal, hilarious and heartwarming. I loved the direction and blocking how even the actors not involved in the direct action would still be reacting … so glad I got to see it!!! – @kinonoir

One Response

  1. I had the pleasure of attending ‘As You Like It’ during one of the matinee performances. The show was truly energetic and the actors brought the show to life. Becca McCoy took her dual queen roles and made each one authentic and so seperate it was as though another actor had stepped in. Emily Belvo was exceptional as Rosalind. Her energy, passion, and talent shown through. I was so glad I got to see this show! Well done all!

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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