Artist Profile: Erica Porch

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Today’s artist is someone who works really hard behind the scenes, and I just have to brag on her for a minute … Stage managing is perhaps one of the most crap jobs in the theater. You are literally the go-between for the artists and and the production staff. You have to be neutral. You have to be organized. You have to be the mom and the bad guy and the police all at once. It’s an incredibly hard job, and most of the time in these parts we get stage managers by default. That’s to say it’s someone who didn’t get cast but still wants to work on the show.

We’ve been real lucky to have Erica, and I’m glad you’ll all now get a chance to meet her. Here we go!

Name: Erica S Porch

Age: 24
Hometown: Saint Petersburg, FL 3rd Generation
College: USF- Psychology
Current residence: Palm Harbor
First Jobsite project: Topdog/Underdog
show you’ve ever worked: The Pillowman
Last show you did in the area: A Gorilla Winter
Tell us a little about your work in This is How it Goes: I am the Stage Manaager which means I assist the Director with the physical and technical aspects of the show during rehearsal, am on book and give line notes. During the run of the show I work with the cast to maintain the Director’s vision. I also run the lights and sound.
What do you like about working with Jobsite? Jobsite Rocks!!! They are good people with a great artistic vision. It’s a great family to be a part of.
Any story you’d like to share about the rehearsal process? Rehearsal is a privileged, private and protected time, I have professional responsibilities. I would never tell how Ryan gets 20 pages of line notes a night, Heather has an obsession with juicy things and David has a paranoid delusion and goes about muttering “It’s all Theft” over and over and over…
Why do you think people should come see This is How it Goes? This show will keep you guessing and in the end, whether you like it or not, you will identify with at least one of the characters … and that may lead to a little self-examination
Dependants? Do I have any? No … 1/2 a cat
Top 3 books: Angels and Demons, Tuesday’s with Morie, Maniac McGee
Top 3 movies: The Simpsons Movie (I know it’s not out yet!), Reality Bites, What Dream May Come
Top 3
bands: Ben Harper, David Grey, DMB
Top 3 foodstuffs: Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate covered fruit
Favorite quote: “All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Pablo Picasso
Favorite local spots: Tampa Bay Brewing Company, The Garden in St Pete
Favorite vacation spot: A beach with waves
Hobbies: Surfing, Soccer, reading, knitting exciting underwear
Heroes/Role Models: Super Grover, and anyone who manages to make a living doing what they love
Anything else to add?
I can’t wait for the show to open!!! Come see it and swing by the booth, in the back, tell me what you thought.



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