Brian “I’ve donated 2 pints of blood to Jobsite sets” Smallheer – Production Manager, Technical Director and Scenic Designer in Residence
Age: 29
Hometown: Lakeland
Current residence: Sulphur Springs
First Jobsite production: Accidental Death of Anarchist (Scenic Designer)
Favorite Jobsite production: Dracula, not just for the massive design that we pulled off in the Shimberg, but also the fact that I had to crawl underneath the set with the fog machine following Brian Shea around.
Upcoming projects: We Won’t Pay! We Won’t Pay! (Lighting Design) and the Patel Conservatory’s Community Arts Ensemble (Scenic Design)
Top 3 books: Vurt by Jeff Noon, Clockwork Orange, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Top 3 movies: What Dreams may Come, Garden State, and Spider-Man
Top 3 bands: Sublime, Tom Petty, Tenacious D
Why Jobsite? How refreshing it was. I had been working at Disney for probably a total of 2 years at the point when I got involved in Jobsite and was getting sick of cookie cutter mentality and Jobsite was the complete opposite of that. Being able to work with group that had alot of great fresh ideas and doing such edgy socially topical material was so great, that I gave up my full time status at Disney and became a subcontractor for them, so I was able to have Disney, work around my time with Jobsite.
Favorite quote: “I’m still learning” – Michelangelo
Favorite haunts: The Hub, New World Brewery, Wine Exchange
Hobbies: Does playing video games count?
Biggest hero/role-model: Russell Waley and Frank Lloyd Wright