And we’re off …

We had a great preview last night. I think more than a few of us felt strange for the first two scenes – that general oddness of “there are people here watching this again,” but that quickly went away and hit our groove for the rest of the night.

And that’s what previews are for, right? Knock the dust off, or adjust to having real bodies there.

House report shows we had around 50 – which ain’t bad for a preview. Here’s my crossing my fingers that’s a good sign of things to come. A few (or all) sold-out shows this weekend would be fantastic.

I took a few photos in the house during notes after the run, but we only had the works on and my flash was dying, so they’re pretty dark. You can get the idea though.

I’m damn proud of this set. It’s the best we’ve had in a very, very long time. There’s a tremendous attention to detail. In addition to the projector and screen which we invested in, we were loaned several thousands of dollars in coffee bar equipment (THANKS, EVERYTHING ESPRESSO!) and the additional help we brought in really allowed us to do the sort of detail on the set we normally just don’t have the time for.

I’ll try to get a better one in the light tonight. Or, you know, you could come see it yourself …



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7 Responses

  1. Nice set; wish I could see it in person. Do you make coffee before the show? It’s a relaxing, comforting smell. Who doesn’t love it? (Of course, free cups o’ joe would be better.)

  2. Yes we do, Kelli … Usually 2 to 3 pots that we stick in the airpots/drink preshow. It smells great in there. 🙂

    David – thanks for the compliment – and we were very, very glad to see you guys out last night. I think Beth peed a little at that one slide. I almost had to stop the show. 🙂

  3. We were glad to be there.

    I enjoyed the show more this time for some reason. Maybe because I had the week from hell at work and things are staying that way for a while so was ready for the humor. It’s also a deceptively deep show, and the dialog for the end of act one argument rings very true as it escalates from minor issue to scorched earth take no prisoners.

  4. OK needless to say I did enjoy the show! but not to the point where I peed! PLEASE, I do know where the bathroom is and don’t get me started on how poorly designed the shared Jaeb/Shimberg women’s room is!
    Seriously, I agree with my hubby, great performances from the cast, speaking of casts what happened to Holcom’s foot? When he came out as Sam’s father was he trying for a Hunter S. Thompson vibe? Kudos to the set, it added so much to the ambiance.

    The second half of the front row Jobsite Theater Fan Club

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