An Evening of Local One Acts

An Evening of Local One Acts

Directed by Caitlin Eason

Jan. 18 – 19, 2015

Sun. – Mon., 8pm

Tickets: $10 at the door; FREE for Jobsite season ticket holders.

All tickets sold at the door.

Shimberg Playhouse, Straz Center for the Performing Arts

What It's About

What’s Your Status?

By Shaina Sine

Sick of technology’s influence on her relationships, one woman decides to throw caution – and her sanity, according to her best friend – to the wind and embark upon the dating scene without mining the World Wide Web for information. But can her suitor do the same?

The Demo

By Graham Morris

Everything is not what it seems at the offices of VisionTech. Computer programmers must scramble to get their work done against an impossible deadline, but at the same time, find they must also solve a mystery. A dim-witted Starsky and Hutch of the computer world, an ambiguous boss, a beautiful intern, and a guy named T-Bone. Hard to believe any of them could pull of a heist like this…but someone did. Or did they?

Lost Luggage

By Shaina Sine

Two American girls set out for a tour of Europe – but as soon as they land, chaos ensues as their luggage is lost, along with their hopes of a relaxing trip abroad. A couple of local lads appear to assist, they may not be who they seem.

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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