Achievement unlocked: ALL TIME BEST-SELLER

Hedwig and The Angry Inch is now Jobsite Theater’s best-selling show of all time in terms of both total number of tickets sold and total box office receipts, and the show still has 7 more performances through Sep. 15 to widen the current margin.

Hedwig And The Angry Inch – final 2 weeks! from Jobsite Theater on Vimeo.

This is certainly a great start to our 20th Anniversary Season. As you may remember our critically-acclaimed production of Annie Baker’s The Flick that opened last season was marred by multiple cancellations and general public apathy in the lead-up to and aftermath of Hurricane Irma, a loss we spent the rest of the season trying to recover from while dealing with several other financial disasters like the state cutting 94% of arts funding for the 18-19 season.
We cracked our top 3 twice earlier in 2018 with The Tempest and then 1984, but neither could claim the #2 spot. Our 2013 production of Hedwig sits at #6 all-time.
The former best-seller was a 2001 production of Dracula, which seemed impossible to beat due to the fact that show ran for 6 straight weeks (we currently run for 4 with the possibility of a 5th week should sales warrant it) and had 6 performances a week (we currently max out at 5 due to union regulations).
Hedwig is the first show that Jobsite has been the sole producer of to break $40,000 in sales and it is expected to cross $50,000 by the time it closes on Sat., Sep. 15 with a special late-night show that also features a pre-show concert with guest singers.
Jobsite’s Current Top 10 Best-selling Shows:
  1. Hedwig and The Angry Inch (2018)
  2. Dracula (2001)
  3. The Hound of the Baskervilles (2014)
  4. 1984 (2018)
  5. The Tempest (2018)
  6. Twelfth Night (2015)
  7. Hedwig and The Angry Inch (2013)
  8. Macbeth (2013)
  9. Picasso at the Lapin Agile (2009)
  10. The 39 Steps (2012)

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