A unique review of The Hound of the Baskervilles

This has to be a Jobsite first, a review written and submitted by a 12-year-old who submitted this as a school assignment. We were way too tickled by this not to share.  Thanks, Alexa B.! We’re so glad that you enjoyed our production! 🙂

“Have you ever wondered how something happened and what caused it? I’m sure many people have and this is exactly what Sherlock Holmes does in one of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous books, The Hound of the Baskervilles. There have been several remakes of this book and one of them is a highly entertaining play in downtown Tampa, Florida. You’ll laugh your socks off once you see this play; it’s full of hilarious skits and remarkable jokes that will have you begging for more.

“The play takes place in the late 1800s with the first part in London, England while towards the end in Dartmoor, England. It follows Dr. Watson and his adventure to protect Sir Henry Baskerville from the mysterious hound that treks the moor at night and hunts the Baskerville family. What he and Sir Henry, along with Sherlock Holmes who has gone to Dartmoor in disguise, need to find out is: Who sent this unseen hound to hunt the Baskerville family and what are their intentions if they succeed? The story takes an incredible twist in the end but you’ll need to watch for yourself to find out what it is. Even though the whole story line is about a murder, the actors (Giles Davis, Shawn Paonessa, and David M. Jenkins) have done a fantastic job making the production funny.

“My overall opinion about the play is that it was a fantastic mixture of comedy and mystery for a wide range of interests and this is definitely something I would love to see again. I strongly suggest this production for kids of 12 years or older since the actors tend to have a bit of strong language used throughout the performance. Make sure to have fun at this production, you’re sure to love it!”



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