A nice note on All the Great Books (abridged)

We have this really nice patron, Christine Hamacher, who is a teacher and has been bringing a group of fellow educators with her to Jobsite shows for a few years now. Usually to our comedy shows, and these ladies appear to really get into having a night out without the kids or men in their lives.

Last night, Christine and her group came to see All the Great Books (abridged), and they had a blast. This is the note she sent me last night after the show:

Just wanted to say thanks to you and your crew for putting on another dynamic show tonight! There were 5 in my group this time and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Your collective energy just amazes us! We missed seeing Katrina and Summer perform (last one we saw was Grimm’s Faery Tales) so we look forward to the next one with them in it. Katrina did a great job directing though – how DOES she keep the 3 of you in line?!?!!? Hope the rest of your performances sell out. We look forward to next time …

Thanks again, Christine. In addition to Christine and Co., last night’s audience was very full of Lit/English teachers and other just exceedingly well-read people, which provided a wholly different show than we’ve had up to this point (no offense of course to anyone else who came before – last night just felt like we were playing an educator’s convention). They were practically getting the jokes before we got to them. Put it this way – there’s a joke using the word ‘reconnoiter’ as a setup, and I believe last night’s audience was the first to get it en masse.

We have two more weekends to go of a very great, high energy, hilarious show. Hope you can make it out, or if you’ve already been hope you can help spread the word.



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