Tampa Tribune: Woman in Mind ‘exhilarating,’ other news

The first review of our production of Woman in Mind printed today in The Tampa Tribune, and it’s a thoroughly positive one.

Here’s a pullout quote from the review and a link to the whole story if you’d like to read more:

“From the moment the lights come up … Ami Sallee Corley commands every viewer’s undivided attention … ‘Woman in Mind’ is a smart, well-acted show full of energy. Who knew the descent into madness could be so exhilarating?” – The Tampa Tribune

As I said yesterday, we had a great weekend in regards to not only ticket sales for this show, but for 0708 season ticket sales and donations from our patrons. Thank you all for all of your support!

We expect a review of the show in this week’s Creative Loafing, and hopefully one over the next few days in the St. Pete Times. Additionally, our TV spots begin airing tonight on Bright House cable.

This weekend’s sales are doing fairly well. Again, it looks as if Fri. and Sat.’s shows could sell out in advance and Thu. and Sun. appear the safest bet for late walk-up/rush ticket opportunities. Thanks to both Douglas Lunsford and Stagesetters for buying up whole blocks of tickets for this upcoming weekend. It’s a huge help to us!

We truly hope that if you came out this weekend that you could recommend us to folks you know. You can advertise for us by snagging the code here and implanting it in your MySpace, Facebook, personal website or any other online presence you have. You can write us and tell us what you thought so we can pass it on to others.

If you haven’t been out – what are you waiting for?



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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