Jobsite in the news and preview thoughts

Here is a preview of Hurlyburly in today’s St. Pete Times.

Also, check out this week’s Creative Loafing for a story on our own Katrina Stevenson, which also in a way acts as a preview for Hurlyburly.

Don’t forget to tune in to WMNF 88.5 tomorrow during Art in Your Ear to hear Hurlyburly cast members interviewed by JoEllen Schilke.


Last night’s preview was a mixed bag, and I mean that in the best possible way. You very rarely ever feel like you’re firing on all cylinders in a preview – I mean it is after all the first time it’s seen by an audience. You don’t know how people are going to take it and so you have the nerves to go with that, you don’t know if they’ll laugh or where, there are still things changing on the set and with costumes and overall there is just a ton of uncertainty.

It’s one of the reasons we have preview. It’s a test. A warm-up. Our TD often intimates that since they don’t pay full price, they don’t get a full show. He’s right in a few ways.

In any event, we’re in the best position possible simply by having the preview under our belt. We had an audience of 91 last night – almost a sell-out – and there were a ton if positives to take away from it. There were things we discovered needed to be tightened. There were surprises about reactions, both good and bad. And now we will be able to move forward into our opening night and our run with a bit more confidence, a bit more comfort and with a good idea about what we need to do to make a good thing better.

We’re stunned by how well our previews have sold all year. I think it’s a sign of a growing reputation, and the more our reputation grows the more value-conscious patrons we find as well. If you don’t mind being a guinea pig, it’s not a bad deal.

Here we come, we’re hungry for opening weekend!



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