Artistic Associate Spencer P. Meyers is not only an accomplished actor and singer, but a talented visual artist who has also worked as a costume designer, special effects artist, and lobby artist for Jobsite. Check out some of his timelapse videos showing off his process. Make sure to not miss this coming season‘s SHOCKHEADED PETER, that will feature many of these pieces in our lobby display as well as our own Renaissance man on the stage doing his other thing.
If you are unfamiliar with a Vimeo playlist, check the top left corner of the player below. You can scroll back and forth through the playlist or use the dropdown menu to select a specific video.
If you enjoy this content while the theater is shut down amid the coronavirus crisis, we urge you to leave a “tip” by donating any amount whatsoever. Every $1 counts at a time like this. Whatever we raise now while we cannot earn through ticket sales (where 65% of our annual revenue comes from) will help ensure that once we re-open we won’t skip a beat.