3 for 3! Great Pillowman review in the Tribune (and a teeny bit of editorial on the paper itself)

And it’s quite possibly the largest theater review I’ve ever seen in that paper. I have it on good account from an inside source as well as the set of eyes in my own head that Mother Trib has a dislike for words.

Now, not to look a gift review in the mouth – which I’m certainly not doing – but I’m still sorely disappointed that the Tribune has decided to ditch their Arts Page, while the Times is actually adding arts coverage with their new Latitudes section.

To add insult to this injury, reporter Amanda Henry is leaving the paper for greener, (or at least Greeley) pastures in Colorado and the paper has no immediate plans of replacing her. I understand that other staff reporters will be picking up the slack. That has me a little nervous, despite the fact that Tribune film critic Bob Ross attended our production of Delusion of Darkness and gave it quite a favorable review in the space between Amanda Henry and her predecessor, but our luck probably won’t always run that deep.

We’ll certainly miss Amanda a lot. I think she has to be one of the most fair, freshest and insightful critics we’ve had in a while. Burnout is a huge risk in that line of work, and can be evidenced in more than one local critic’s tone regularly. She did a great job of pointing people in a direction, tipping off potential patrons as to why some groups may or may not dig a show, despite what her own personal tastes might be – which she also noted, but always made sure to not muddy opinion with fact.

As to The Pillowman? It looks like we’re going to do just fine. Keep in mind folks, we’ve added a week and no close Nov. 5. Plenty of tickets to go around, and we hope to see you there.

Have you already seen the show? It’s mean a lot if you could tell some friends about it and recommend they come out. Word of mouth always means more than any review we could get.

Also don’t forget about our encore weekend of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged). This isn’t just another encore, these proceeds actually go back to beneift the company and we’re looking at this weekend as one big fundraiser. How cool is that, you can even show up in t-shirt and shorts – it is, after all, a Jobsite show. How often do you see me dress up? 🙂



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Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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