2022-23 Audition Information

If you are interested in being considered for any of our 2022-23 shows:

We attend the annual Theatre Tampa Bay Unified Auditions, held this year on June 18. If you wish to be seen for the 2022-23 season, this is the place to be. If you have interest in being seen for Hamlet, please plan on preparing a Shakespeare selection.

Current members of the Jobsite Ensemble are not required to attend Unifieds, but should contact David M. Jenkins via email to start a conversation.

Callbacks for individual shows are by invitation only and begin late June. At this time the plan is to host all callbacks virtually via Zoom. It is possible that individual show directors may cast a wider net at the time of their callbacks by requesting video submissions in order to deepen a particular pool, but this is not guaranteed on a show-by-show basis. This is why we are stressing the importance of the Unifieds if you wish to be considered.

For more information on the TTB Unified Auditions, visit theatretampabay.org. We do not host open auditions outside of TTB Unifieds.

Due to the lingering impact of COVID-19 on live theater, we still plan on hiring only fully vaccinated performers. We continue to monitor health situations and consult with medical professionals regularly to ensure a safe working environment for all on and off-stage workers. All on-site personnel are currently tested twice a week, you may read more about our health and safety practices here.

Our production of Hamlet rehearses starting Dec. 12, and our schedule does not allow for holiday conflicts outside of the weekends of Dec. 24-25 and Dec. 31-Jan. 1. This production also requires that performers be available 9:30a-1p Tue. and Wed. for high school field trip matinees in Jan. and the first week of Feb. 

Generally, Jobsite rehearses Tue. – Thu. evenings 6:30-10:30p and Sat.-Sun. 1-5p for no more than 20 hours a week. Performances run Wed. – Sat. at 8pm and Sun. at 4p, calls are 1-hour prior to curtain.

All performers are paid $300 a week for contracts that run 7 to 10 weeks, depending on the show, and function as part-time, seasonal 1099 independent contractors. Additionally, Jobsite offers profit-sharing opportunities for shows that cover their base production expenses, payable after settlement.

Jobsite is dedicated to regional talent, and cannot offer housing, travel, or per diem. 

We are an equal opportunity employer and take great pride in identity-conscious hiring practices. Actors from historically marginalized communities are strongly encouraged to audition.be

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One Response

  1. Hello there!

    My name is Cody Farkas and I was at the Unified Auditions. I did not do a Shakespearean monologue,, but would still very much like to be considered. Is there any way I could send a video monologue?

    Thank you very much,
    Cody Farkas

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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