0708 season bragging, 0809 shilling …

I did the math this morning, and I am so very happy to once again report that our 2007-08 season was once again … you guessed it:

Best. Season. Ever.

Our final mainstage attendance figures for the 2007-08 season were 14% higher than they were for 2006-07. Our gross box office receipts were a whopping 30% higher than they were just a year ago. To make sense of the 14% vs 30% with tickets to dollars – that just shows we’re giving away less free tickets and having more people come and pay full price.

Congrats to everyone in the Jobsite Ensemble for your hard word this year, and a giant THANK YOU to everyone who came to support out work – from Gorey Stories through Embedded.

Now we move on to our tenth anniversary season. We actually are sort of sprinting on the new season since one week from today we will be previewing David Harrower’s Oliver Award-winning Blackbird.

It’s tight. We’re not going to make or take any excuses though, it’s the way the schedule shook out, and hopefully with Embedded still fresh on everyone’s minds we can turn it into an opportunity to get people back in our lovin’ arms just that much sooner. Look for a more personalized pitch on this play in the next day or two, just trust that we’re not steering you wrong.

We truly need your support opening weekend. It’s pretty critical, more so than usual, since this is the first show in the season, and single tickets haven’t been on sale that long and we’re very quickly trying to sell this show from the ground up. It gets easier as we go, to be sure.

This would be a fantastic time to make sure you have that season ticket. We’re blown away we already have 24% more season ticket holders this year than we did last, and I can’t wait to see how high we can get that figure as the fall goes on. There’s a ton of great reasons to get those season tickets. It’s a huge savings to you, with great benefits, and it means so much to us (the more we sell in advance, the less we have to scramble show to show being the biggest).

To read more about the tenth anniversary season and Jobsite’s evolution, check out the article on us in this week’s Creative Loafing.

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2 Responses

  1. Congrats to you Jobsite!

    You guys earned it the old school way. Hard work.

    Here’s to the future!

    Joe Popp

Jonathan Harrison in Jobsite's Gorey Stories. (Photo: Stage Photography of Tampa)

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